
托福写作 2017-07-24阅读(506)



The author of thepassage believes that…...However,his statement encounters seriousdisagreement from the speaker,(arguing that…...) 

  First,accordingto the author,......Whereas the professor argues that…. 

  Second,thepassage claims that….Nevertheless,the professor immediately points out that…... 

  Finally,about……,theprofessor again argues against the passage.While the author points out that……,the professor reveals the truth that… 


  For the sake of 

  It is illogicalthat... 

  ...,whichperfectly explains the reason why/the assumption that... 

  Be contradictedto 

  This seeminglyconvincing argument is weakened by the professor’s statement that... 

  This is properlyexplained by the assumption that... 

  The professorreveals the fact that... 


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