
雅思口语 2015-09-09阅读(85)


雅思口语考试话题有很多,具体分为几个大类, 如人物,物品,地点,经历等,在备考中我们也应该多了解雅思口语分类词汇,下面文章就是为大家介绍的雅思口语分类词汇,希望能给大家带来帮助。

1. all about the weather

The weather is usually connected to your hometown. the response need not be very long, but you should be able to make clear statements about the general weather patterns, and a brief summary of the different seasons.

Essential vocabulary

2. all about transportation

this topic is often used in the latter part of stage1.you may be asked to compare various forms of transportation or be asked to comment on the changes.you may be asked your opinions as well.

essential vocabulary

3. all about my job

the topic will very likely come up if you are currently working.you need to be carefull about the terms of your work.. many of them can be anticipated.

Essential vocabulary


上一篇:2017年4月15日托福机经回忆 下一篇:toefl听力考试六大特征详解

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