【雅思口语常考话题】Sports 运动

雅思,雅思口语 2017-03-16阅读(594)

Sports 运动
Though I play many different sports, I really love basketball.
I just play these sports to keep healthy, not to compete.
I am not really a sports type of person.
I like sports because they keep one healthy.
Exercise can build up both one’s physical and mental strength.
I hope I can always keep in shape.
Exercise can help to release stress.
People are increasingly more conscious about leading a healthy lifestyle.
These days, I see more and more people going to fitness centres or parks to do regular exercise. 如今,我看见越来越多的人去健身房或公园做日常锻炼。
to lose weight 减肥
to build up muscles 锻炼肌肉
to keep ?t 保持体形
overweight 超重
fresh air 新鲜空气
be out of breath 气喘吁吁
crunches 仰卧起坐
to popularize a sport among people 普及一项运动
swimming pool 游泳池
extreme sports 极限运动
to go on a diet 节食
stadium 体育馆
to keep in shape 保持身材
live broadcast 现场直播
to join a ?tness club 参加健身俱乐部
?tness center 健身中心
football pitch 足球场
medals table 奖牌榜
to do one’s best 尽最大的努力
stamina 毅力,持久力
tournament 锦标赛

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