【雅思口语常考话题】Natural environment 自然环境

雅思,雅思口语 2017-03-16阅读(811)

Natural environment 自然环境
This park is packed with all sorts of natural elements, including trees, flowers and plants.
As a big fan of seafood, this place is like a paradise for me, so I can spoil myself.
作为一个喜欢海鲜的人来说,这个地方像天堂一样,我可以好好 放纵一下了。
People find this park a perfect place for outdoor activities, since it is pretty spacious
人们发现这个公园是做户外运动的理性之地,因为这个公园非常 的开阔。
It provides me a chance to escape from my daily life routines and stress.
Without such a venue, people would be very likely to live a seden - tary lifestyle by sitting in front of computer screens.
没有这样一个场地,人们就很可能会花很多时间坐在电脑前面, 从而过一种久坐的生活方式。
serene/tranquil/peaceful environment 安静的环境
stunning ocean view壮观的海景
It is like an oasis in the middle of the desert. 这个地方就像沙漠中的绿洲一般。
haze/hazy weather 雾霾,有雾霾的天气
induce respiratory diseases 诱发呼吸的疾病
stretch out and breathe fresh air到处走走,呼吸新鲜空气
It is only steps from all sorts of facilities.这个地方距离所有的设施只有几步之遥
natural oxygen bar 天然的氧吧
refresh mind and recharge myself 换换心情,好好休息
cardio activity/aerobics exercise 有氧运动

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