【雅思口语常考话题】Clothing 穿着

雅思,雅思口语 2017-03-16阅读(454)

Clothing 穿着
There have been lots of changes in the way people dress themselves.
Fashion magazines always provide the most up-to-date styles.
The Chinese can be said to have a fully developed system of matching, coordinating, and contrasting colors and shades of light and dark apparel.
可以说,中国人在服饰搭配,调整,色彩和明暗的对比方面,已经 有了非常完善的体系。
Many people wear jeans nowadays.
I’m a kind of simple person, so I like casual shirts and jeans.
From casual to formal, from fashionable to traditional, styles can find their followers.
It is hard to keep up with fashions.
The growing popularity of Korean TV series makes Korean clothing trendy in China.
Boys like to wear loose fitting shirts.
sweater 毛衣
scarf 围巾
plain 朴素的
striped 条纹的
checked 格子花纹的
be on sale 减价
uniform 制服
sportswear 运动装
jacket 夹克衫
pattern 样式
tuxedo 男士半正式晚礼服
glove 手套
to go with something 搭配
?tting room 试衣间
in style 时髦的
casual clothes 休闲的
evening dress 晚礼服
blouse 上衣
out of fashion 过时的
loose-?tting clothes 宽松的衣服
tight-?tting clothes 紧身的

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