
雅思写作 2015-01-30阅读(205)



1.improve 提高

promote 促进 提升

promote the trade between country A and country B

He was promoted to senior manager in the company.

Advance 提升 发展

Our understanding of human genetics has considerably advanced. 对遗传学的认识理解相当地(well)发展/前进。

Enhance 加强 提高

The publicity has enhanced his reputation.

Reinforce 强化 加强

Reinforce the interference of the authority and its ability of macroeconomic control 加强政府的干预和宏观调控能力

2.change 改变

transform 指改头换面完全改变 不是slight change

The increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry. 人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构。

3.emphasize 强调 并不是一定会让别人注意到强调的重点

highlight 类似老师勾重点让学生更清楚

The report highlights the decline in the number of native/local plants and insects.

To highlight/emphasize the significance/magnitude of sth


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