
雅思口语 2016-07-19阅读(205)



How do you usually spend your weekends?

Which is your favourite part of the weekend?

Do you think weekends are long enough?

How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?


1、How do you usually spend your weekends?

Well, it depends on if I have any special plans or not. For example, last weekend I went to visit a friend, so that’s not a usual weekend. Nearly every other weekend I try to go out and do something different, either with friends, family or even by myself. But a normal weekend when I have nothing particular planned would revolve around my family and just being at home relaxing.


2、Which is your favourite part of the weekend?

Really, I don’t have a favourite part. I guess I like having big meals with my family at weekends which we don’t always manage to do during the week, so that’s nice, but overall I enjoy all of the weekend and just being around my family.


3、Do you think weekends are long enough?

Sure, it might be nice to have a third day or even more sometimes, but that’s not something which is very likely to happen. And I suppose if we did have a three-day weekend, it would only make the four week days even busier than now. I’m not sure a lot of people would like that, unless of course, we add another day to the week and have eight-day weeks, but again, I can’t imagine that happening because it would disrupt so many things around the world.


4、How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?

Having enough free time is very important for overall wellbeing and balance in life, but it doesn’t necessarily all have to be at the weekends. It’s just the case for most people that the weekends are the time when they have most of their free time because they’re so busy during the week.


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